Why Work With me?
Hey, what’s up, my name is Dani, and I am tattoo artist specializing in illustrative anime and I am based out of Denver, Colorado & New York City If you follow me on Instagram, you also know that I’m the father of two feral cats named Bojji & Martha Stewart.
I am sure you already know what you need to from my first paragraph, and I wanted to stop there, but my marketing people are making me add nonsense about growing up and what makes my process unique. You can skip this and just check out my portfolio and schedule a consultation. If you want to read on, go ahead; I am sure my marketing people will appreciate it.
I grew up Drawing all of my favorite characters from media like Zelda, Naruto, Kenshin, and old Miyazaki films. My obsession with character designs started around age 6 and kind of just grew from there. I’m really big on dark fantasy like Berserk and Dark Souls games as well as all anime under the sun.
I drew for fun until about 2019 I started taking art seriously and began drawing from the moment I woke up until bed just about every day. Since learning to tattoo I have done nothing but hone my drawing skills as well as my tattoo application. I did my first tattoo in November 2020 about 7 months into my apprenticeship.
Every tattoo I make is drawn from scratch using the defining factors of the characters while creating my own reference and making each client a 100% unique piece of fan art for each tattoo. I take lots of inspiration from all forms of art that make my brain vibrate trying my best to make you an anime inspired tattoo that completely stands out from the rest. I always give 150% to make sure I exceed expectations with every project I’m lucky enough to work on.
Thank you for considering my work for you to wear forever, look forward to making an awesome tattoo for you !